Thursday, August 23, 2012


Meet Carter. Carter is the cutest little boy!!!! I just recently took his one year pictures and I am drooling over how cute they turned out! 
 For his one year pictures I wanted to have him in an old highchair eating a cupcake with a little birthday hat on. Here is the high chair I used. I found this at an antique store down the road for $15 dollars and spray painted it green.

 He was not liking his hat.
 But the second we gave him his cupcake he forgot all about it!

 Even the hat tastes good!

I made Carter's little birthday hat. Here is a tutorial on how I made it. I had so much fun with this little guy! He was so happy the whole time even when we were torturing him and making him keep his birthday hat on. Thank you Kandice for letting me borrow your handsome little guy!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute pics of your little guy! And I love your highchair find and refurb!
