Saturday, August 18, 2012

Show & Tell Saturday

Here is another Show & Tell Saturday!
 Here is Tina who blogs over at Tina's Trashy Treasure to tell us about her secretary desk she found on the side of the road!

So this is the secretary that I picked up for free from the curb. The best kind of stuff. Well it has sat on my porch for about a year now. Well now it's all done and here it is.  The inside part proved to be a huge pain in the butt. I was so ready to get it done.

I painted it white and sanded it down. I glazed the drawer fronts with a turquoise glaze and absolutely did not like it. I mixed up some white glaze and put that on over it.  I waited for it to dry and resanded it than I waxed the whole thing.

 I also  some small legs on it that I had and some paper stock on the back for some color. The best part is that I didn't pay one cent for this project. Everything that I used I already had around my house. Not bad right..

Tina! This is seriously amazing! I can't believe you just found that desk on the side of the road. I would LOVE to just find something like that! You did an awesome job refinishing it too! I love the white and everything you used to decorate the top of it too! Tina also found everything she used to decorate the top of her desk form thrift stores and garage sales!  She spent a total of $15 dollars on everything on top of the desk! I love everything about it!  Thanks for guest posting on my Show & Tell Saturday, Tina! 

If any other you would be interested in guest posting on my Show & Tell Saturday please email me at!


  1. It is seriously amazing. Absolutely gorgeous, lucky find.

  2. WOW amazing, I need to look at random furniture on curbs more carefully!


  3. WOW, AMAZING JOB! Great job Tina!

  4. What an awesome, On the Side of the Road find! Great Job. Headed over to her website now. :) I might be emailing you to guest post. :)

  5. Thanks Robin for the feature post. I was so excited to see it yesterday. Thanks to all of you that liked it. I'm glad you did.
