Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fashion on a Dime

I bought this yellow dress and while back and just seemed to be having a hard time finding something to go with it. 
I wasn't sure what color to pair with it to be honest so to get some inspiration I got on Pinterest and typed in "Yellow Dress." Up came a lot of yellow and black,  and yellow and grey but one picture popped up with a yellow and teal dress. Just like that I had my inspiration! Yellow and teal it was! But I had one problem I had teal shoes but no accessories in the right teal. What was I supposed to do?! I ran to D.I. to see if I could find anything. I was hoping to find a belt in the right color but had no luck, I did however find a gold clutch purse that I loved. After thinking about it for a while I decided I would be a little creative and paint my accessories the right color. I went home grabbed my teal shoes and ran to the craft store to buy some acrylic paint. After getting home I found a belt and some earrings I no longer wore and grabbed my clutch purse and painted them all!
This was such a great and CHEAP way to make something work for your outfit!
Simple craft paint +
a belt I no longer wear +
this awesome clutch purse I found at D.I. +
a pair of old earrings =

This OH SO CUTE Fashion on a Dime!

 My financial stats for this outfit are:
Yellow Dress- $9.75 at Savers with a 20% off coupon for donating 
Teal J Lo heels- $5 at a garage sale
Teal bracelet- $1 dollar at a garage sale
Teal and gold clutch purse- $2 dollars at D.I.
Teal belt-$2 dollars at D.I.
Earrings- $2 dollars at a garage sale (I bought these a long time ago. They came packaged and were new, the seller tried to start a little side jewelry business and gave up so she was getting rid of everything for cheap. Just in case you were wondering.)
Craft paint to make it all match $1.29 but we will round up to $1.50 cause I like even numbers that are easy to add!
My total outfit cost is $23.25 with a DPWF of 2.35! Click here to find out what Dress Per Wear Factor is!

Here are a few close ups so you can see the details!
 $2 dollar clutch and $1 dollar bracelet
 $5 dollar heels
$2 dollar painted earrings

I hope that you are all getting my point by now. Fashion doesn't have to be expensive! You just have to know where to find it and how to make it work for you budget not against it!


  1. Love it! The colors go great together and you look fabulous in it :)

  2. girl, this ENTIRE outfit is FANTASTIC!
    you put it all together perfectly!
    and I LOVE deals!

    found you via the Pleated Poppy!
    Distinctly M

  3. You are genious! I envy crafty and creative gals like you. I would have just thrown my hands up in the air and gave up. This is a fabulous outfit :) Heather

  4. AMAZING. and looks so good!
    Great job!


  5. How adorable! I love the yellow and teal combo. Great job!

  6. omg! i think i love you! found you via pleated poppy and will TOTALLY be back!

  7. That's amazing! What a great look!

  8. Looks soooo good! I really like the clutch and the shoes. Honestly I would have never thought to pair yellow and teal but it looks really great!

  9. LOVE what you did with some craft paint! Really GORG!
    Let's follow each other!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  10. I'll be honest, at first I was like I don't really like that dress..but you TOTALLY rocked it, it looks so great on you and the teal accessories look amazing! I especially love the earrings. You rock!
