Sunday, August 19, 2012

DIY Pallet Board Wall

My mom's decision to have my brother's wedding reception at the house was one she went back a forth on for months. The wedding would have to be partially outside and the back yard needed some serious help. On one side of the yard there was a huge hole that was from an in ground trampoline that was not installed properly. On the other side, my parents had a desert tortoise landscape that is even more of an eye sore than the gapeing hole in the ground. Since getting rid of the eye sores weren't really an option we had to find a way to cover them up. My genius Sister-in-law Megan had the idea of making a pallet board wall to section off the yard. We would need a lot of pallet boards though. Megan put an add on craigslist saying that we needed LOTS of pallet boards and within a few days we had someone call and tell us that they had 30 pallet boards we were welcome to come pick up. After hauling them to the house my older brother Devin started working on making the wall. We stood the pallet boards up vertically and stacked them two pallets high. To secure the boards we used brackets on the front and back of the pallets. To then connect our stacked pallet boards to give ourselves the width we wanted we then added several hinges up and down the pallet board. Before you do this you need to decide what sort of shape you want your pallet wall to be in. DO NOT just make your wall flat and 2 demensional. If you do this your wall will have a chance of falling over. We did ours two different ways. We gave our first one a zig zag look and the second we made into a half circle. 

We also had a friend come over and spray our pallet board wall white with his paint sprayer.

After our pallets we sprayed we draped muslin over them and added some decor in front of them! 

No more ugly yard, and it only cost us the price of the brackets, hinges and paint! 

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