Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you amazing mom's out there! 
Here is one of my favorite pictures of my mom and I. This was on my wedding day almost 6 years ago. As you may have already noticed I talked about my mom a lot on this blog. She is the rock in my life, the women I go to when I need advice, the friend that knows EVERYTHING there is to know about me yet still loves you me for who I am. I am so grateful to have her in my life and hope that I can be as good of a mother to my children as she has been to me.
Being a Mother is one of the most difficult yet most rewarding jobs I have ever taken on. As hard as we may try to prepare ourselves for motherhood I am not quite sure if anyone can really prepare themselves for all the loads of laundry, the spilt messes, poopy diapers, snotty noses and tears of a child. Here is a quote that my daughter brought home from her church nursery class on a little piece of construction paper with her cute little hand print on it.

"If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will, to your surprise, miss them profoundly.
Thomas S. Monson

I know that at times the duties of motherhood can become incredibly overwhelming but remember
When the pain is almost too much to handle

 When the mess is too much to undertake,

when moments don't turn out as planned
and when perceptions give way to reality

 motherhood is one of the greatest gifts a women can experience on this earth. Be grateful for those little hands that are so willing to give hugs, for that dirty face that wants to give you a kiss, that crooked smile that shows it's self when a mess is made and that little boy or girl that will always love you no matter how mad you get. Despite the difficulty of your situation and the degree of your tiredness remember to savor the special moments, try to find the humor in the not so special ones and enjoy the stage you and your children are in. Life fly's by fast and there will come a day that you will miss those moments 

I hope that all of you Mother's out there have had an amazing day filled with lots of hugs and kisses from your kids and husband. I hope you have been spoiled rotten with gifts and words of gratitude.


  1. Happy Mother's Day!

    Thank you for sharing.

    Love this post. :)

  2. Loved the pics on this post. :) Too cute.

    Happy Mother's Day to you!!! Hope you were spoilt. :)

    Following you back on GFC!


  3. Happy Mother's Day! love the photo of you and your mumma :) x

  4. Love the perception and reality pic Lol. Hope you had a great mothers day!

    1. I know so funny huh?!?! Hope your Mother's day was great as well!

  5. LOL! love the pics! They made me giggle!! Stopped by to say hi from the Mom's Monday Mingle #3. Feel free to pop over at to say hi :)

    1. Ashley, Thanks for following! I am following you back!

  6. Love all the fun pictures, esp the 2 pictures of reality to perception that looks like my bed :-) It looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day, thanks for coming over to my blog, I am following you now!!

    1. I know that was is my favorite too! Thanks for following!

  7. Great pictures! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! You have a great blog! Thank you for stopping by my place, I'm a new follower!
    Barbara @ Chase the Star

    1. Barbara,
      Hope you had a great Mother's day as well! Thanks for following!
